研究表明,抗生素和ibuprofen等常见药物可能会降低痴呆症的风险,并将它与感染联系起来。 Study suggests common drugs like antibiotics and ibuprofen may lower dementia risk, linking it to infections.
来自剑桥和埃克塞特的研究人员发现,服用抗生素、疫苗以及Ibuprofen等抗炎药物可以降低痴呆的风险。 Researchers from Cambridge and Exeter found that taking antibiotics, vaccines, and anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen may reduce the risk of dementia. 这项研究分析了1.3亿多人的数据,支持了一种观点,即常见痴呆症可能与病毒或细菌感染有关联。 The study, analyzing data from over 130 million people, supports the idea that common dementias could be linked to viral or bacterial infections. 然而,研究还表明,一些药物,包括反精神病药物和某些抗抑郁药物,可能会增加这种风险。 However, the research also showed that some drugs, including antipsychotics and certain antidepressants, might increase the risk. 调查结果表明,现有药物可重新用于治疗痴呆症,有可能加快治疗发展速度。 The findings suggest that existing drugs could be repurposed to treat dementia, potentially speeding up treatment development.