新的研究发现,55岁以上的美国人痴呆风险为42%,是之前估计的两倍多。 New study finds dementia risk for Americans over 55 is 42%, more than double previous estimates.
《自然医学》上的一项新研究表明,美国人 55 岁后患痴呆症的风险为 42%,是以前估计的两倍多。 A new study in Nature Medicine reveals that the risk of developing dementia after age 55 among Americans is 42%, more than double previous estimates. 到 2060 年,新病例数预计将翻一番,达到每年约 100 万例。 By 2060, the number of new cases is expected to double to about 1 million annually. 这种增加与人口老龄化有关,女性、美国黑人和携带 APOE4 基因变异的人的风险更高。 The increase is linked to the aging population, with higher risks for women, Black Americans, and those with the APOE4 gene variant. 该研究强调需要制定专注于预防和健康公平的卫生政策,以解决日益严重的痴呆症负担。 The study emphasizes the need for health policies focused on prevention and health equity to address the growing burden of dementia.