预计抗药性感染将导致全球4000万死亡,每年有200万死因AMR和高风险老年人;紧急行动可以挽救9200万人的生命. Drug-resistant infections projected to cause 40M deaths globally, with 2M annual deaths due to AMR and elderly at high risk; urgent action could save 92M lives.
据"柳叶刀"杂志发表的一项研究预测,到2050年,抗药性感染可能导致全球近4000万人死亡. A study published in The Lancet forecasts that drug-resistant infections could lead to nearly 40 million deaths globally by 2050. 由于抗微生物抗药性,每年死亡的人数(目前超过100万人)可能直接上升到近200万人。 Annual deaths, currently over one million, may rise to nearly two million directly due to antimicrobial resistance (AMR). 老年人特别容易受到伤害,70岁以上的老人死亡人数显著增加。 The elderly are particularly vulnerable, with deaths among those over 70 increasing significantly. 采取紧急行动,包括改善感染护理和抗生素管理,可以挽救9 200万人的生命。 Urgent action, including improved infection care and antibiotic stewardship, could save 92 million lives.