研究发现,长期使用普通药物可能会使老年痴呆症的风险增加近50%。 Study finds long-term use of common drugs may increase dementia risk by nearly 50% in older adults.
由国家卫生研究所资助的诺丁汉大学的一项研究发现,长期使用某些普通药物,包括用于膀胱炎、抑郁症和帕金森病的药物,可能会使55岁以上的人患痴呆症的风险增加近50%。 A study from the University of Nottingham, funded by the National Institute for Health Research, found that long-term use of certain common drugs, including those for bladder issues, depression, and Parkinson's disease, may increase the risk of dementia by nearly 50% in people over 55. 研究分析了医疗记录,并建议保健提供者应谨慎对待这些往往为各种条件处方的抗胆碱性药物。 The research analyzed medical records and suggests healthcare providers should be cautious with these anticholinergic drugs, often prescribed for various conditions. 该研究建议与患者讨论潜在风险和替代方法。 The study advises discussing potential risks and alternatives with patients.