医生警告滥用抗生素会危及生命,强调适当使用抗生素避免抗药性。 Doctor warns of life-threatening risks from misuse of antibiotics, stressing proper usage to avoid resistance.
Punam Krishan博士(英国广播公司《早间直播》的GP)警告说,不正确使用抗生素可能会导致诸如败血症和抗生素抗药性等威胁生命的疾病。 Dr. Punam Krishan, a GP on BBC Morning Live, warned that incorrect use of antibiotics can lead to life-threatening illnesses like sepsis and antibiotic resistance. 她强调必须完成整个抗生素疗程,即使症状有所改善,防止细菌抗药性和再感染。 She stressed the importance of finishing the full course of antibiotics, even if symptoms improve, to prevent bacterial resistance and reinfection. 抗生素在人类、动物和植物中的过度使用和滥用助长了这种日益增长的健康风险。 Overuse and misuse of antibiotics in humans, animals, and plants contribute to this growing health risk.