波兰的工业产出在11月下降了1.5%,采矿量急剧下降,但工资却上涨了10.5%。 Poland's industrial output fell 1.5% in November, with mining down sharply but wages up 10.5%.
波兰的工业生产在11月逐年下降1.5%, 扭转了10月4.7%的增长率。 Poland's industrial production dropped by 1.5% year-over-year in November, reversing October's 4.7% growth. 采矿和采石业大幅下降7.9%,公用事业部门上升5.6%。 Mining and quarrying saw a significant 7.9% decline, while the utility sector rose by 5.6%. 生产者价格每年下跌3.7%,与前一个月相比放缓。 Producer prices fell by 3.7% annually, slowing from the previous month. 尽管如此,企业部门的平均毛工资增长了10.5%,尽管有偿就业减少了0.5%。 Despite this, average gross wages in the enterprise sector increased by 10.5%, though paid employment dropped by 0.5%.