美国工业生产在11月下降了0.1%,令人惊讶的经济学家们,并预示着可能出现减速。 US industrial production fell 0.1% in November, surprising economists and signaling a possible slowdown.
美国工业生产在11月出乎意料地下降了0.1%,低于分析家对增长的预期。 US industrial production unexpectedly declined by 0.1% in November, falling short of analysts' expectations for growth. 这标志着6月以来的第一次下降,表明制造业和工业活动可能放缓。 This marks the first drop since June and signals a potential slowdown in manufacturing and industrial activity. 受影响的部门包括采矿、公用事业和制造业,只有小领域出现增长。 The sectors affected include mining, utilities, and manufacturing, with only minor areas showing growth.