GWU医院的驻地医生避免了与一项包括加薪和精神健康支助在内的交易的罢工。 Resident doctors at GWU Hospital avoided a strike with a deal that includes pay raises and mental health support.
乔治华盛顿大学医院的住院医生在与医院达成临时协议后避免了计划罢工。 Resident doctors at George Washington University Hospital have avoided a planned strike after reaching a tentative agreement with the hospital. 这笔交易包括加薪、4 000美元批准奖金和每年1 000美元的精神保健支助津贴。 The deal includes pay raises, a $4,000 ratification bonus, and a $1,000 annual stipend for mental health support. 这项协议标志着居民医生工会第一次在合同中获胜,解决烧伤和财政压力问题。 This agreement marks the first contract win for the resident doctors' union, addressing issues of burnout and financial stress.