密歇根大学的护士和保健工作人员通过初步协议避免罢工。 Nurses and healthcare staff at University of Michigan Health-Sparrow avert strike with tentative deal.
密歇根大学的护士和保健专业人员已达成初步协议,避免定于1月20日举行的罢工。 Nurses and healthcare professionals at University of Michigan Health-Sparrow have reached a tentative agreement, avoiding a scheduled January 20 strike. 这项涉及约2 000名工作人员的交易包括大幅提高工资、改善工伤福利以及增加夜班、晚班和周末轮班的工资。 The deal, covering about 2,000 staff, includes significant wage raises, improved benefits for workplace injuries, and increased pay for night, evening, and weekend shifts. 合同条款等细节正等待工会成员的批准。 Details like the contract's term are pending approval from union members.