电台明星Dean McCullough揭露了隐藏的童年无家可归现象,强调需要早期干预。 Radio star Dean McCullough reveals hidden childhood homelessness, stressing need for early intervention.
电台明星 Dean McCullough 曾是“I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here!“,公开了他童年时期隐藏的无家可归经历,多年后他在与慈善机构 Centrepoint 合作时才意识到这一点。 Radio star Dean McCullough, a former contestant on "I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!," opened up about his hidden homelessness during childhood, which he only realized years later while working with the charity Centrepoint. McCullough转向毒品和酒精,以应对孤独和不稳定。 McCullough turned to drugs and alcohol to cope with loneliness and instability. 英国政府最近认捐了10亿英镑,用于解决创历史新高的无家可归问题,强调早期干预的必要性,并减少围绕这一问题的耻辱感。 The British Government recently pledged £1 billion to tackle record levels of homelessness, highlighting the need for early intervention and reducing the stigma around the issue.