2022年,18 000人得到了爱尔兰焦点组织的支助,增加了12.5%,创下14 429人入住应急住所的记录。 18,000 individuals received support from Focus Ireland in 2022, with a 12.5% increase and record 14,429 people in emergency accommodation.
关注爱尔兰是一个无家可归的慈善机构,它报告说,2022年对18 000人的支助增加了12.5%。 Focus Ireland, a homelessness charity, reported a 12.5% increase in support for 18,000 individuals in 2022. 首席执行官Pat Dennigan强调了无家可归的可预防性质,敦促政府专门为长期无家可归的家庭分配新的社会住房。 CEO Pat Dennigan highlighted the preventable nature of homelessness, urging the government to allocate new social housing specifically for long-term homeless families. 该报告还披露,有14 429人进入应急住所,其中包括4 400多名儿童,创下了创纪录的记录,这促使创始人斯坦尼斯劳斯·肯尼迪爵士呼吁政府采取更雄心勃勃的行动。 The report also revealed a record 14,429 people in emergency accommodation, including over 4,400 children, prompting founder Sr. Stanislaus Kennedy to call for more ambitious government action.