9月,爱尔兰无家可归人数创历史新高。 14,760 people in emergency accommodation, Ireland's homelessness hits a record high in September.
爱尔兰的无家可归者人数已经达到创纪录的14 760人, Ireland's homelessness has surged to a record 14,760 individuals in emergency accommodation as of September, reflecting a 1.9% monthly increase. 这包括4 561名儿童和2 133个家庭。 This includes 4,561 children and 2,133 families. 维护者批评政府反应不力, 并呼吁采取积极办法, 以在2030年结束无家可归现象。 Advocates criticize the government's inadequate response and call for a proactive approach to end homelessness by 2030. 住房部长Darragh O'Brien承认存在挑战,但指出在防止无家可归和增加住房供应方面取得了进展。 Housing Minister Darragh O'Brien acknowledges challenges but cites progress in preventing homelessness and increasing housing supply.