好莱坞演员Chris Hemsworth呼吁政府和富人解决澳洲无家可归危机, Hollywood actor Chris Hemsworth calls for government and wealthy individuals to address Australia's homelessness crisis, particularly in Byron Bay.
好莱坞演员Chris Hemsworth敦促政府和富人解决澳洲无家可归危机, Hollywood actor Chris Hemsworth is urging governments and the wealthy to address Australia's homelessness crisis, particularly in his local community of Byron Bay, which has the highest rents and largest number of rough sleepers. 海姆斯沃斯(Hemsworth)是弗莱彻街小屋(Fletcher Street Cottage)的主要捐助者,该小屋是拜伦湾无家可归者的支持服务机构,他倡导采取更多行动来帮助那些生活在边缘的人,不仅在拜伦湾,而且在全国范围内。 Hemsworth, a major donor to the Fletcher Street Cottage, a support service for homeless people in Byron Bay, is advocating for more action to help those living on the brink, not just in Byron Bay, but across the nation. 该小屋提供诸如膳食、洗衣和淋浴设施等基本服务,并依靠慈善捐款继续运作。 The cottage provides essential services such as meals, laundry, and shower facilities, and relies on philanthropic donations to remain operational.