北爱尔兰拨款670万英镑,用于解决无家可归问题和增加经济适用住房。 Northern Ireland allocates £6.7 million to fight homelessness and boost affordable housing.
社区部长戈登·里昂已宣布追加670万英镑,用于防止北爱尔兰的无家可归现象。 Communities Minister Gordon Lyons has announced an additional £6.7 million to prevent homelessness in Northern Ireland. 这笔资金将帮助维持无家可归服务,并确保住房行政部门能够继续履行其义务。 The funding will help maintain homelessness services and ensure the Housing Executive can continue to meet its obligations. 里昂还计划向行政部门提出一项住房供应战略,以增加可负担得起的住房选择。 Lyons also plans to bring a housing supply strategy to the Executive to increase affordable housing options. 贝尔法斯特市长赞扬支持弱势人群的努力,强调自2021年以来帮助150多人的一项举措。 The Lord Mayor of Belfast praised efforts to support vulnerable people, highlighting an initiative that has helped over 150 individuals since 2021.