英格兰的无家可归家庭增加了10%,儿童无家可归增加15%,政府支出增加2.33亿英镑。 Household homelessness in England rises 10%, with child homelessness up 15%, prompting £233 million more in government spending.
英格兰寻求无家可归支助的家庭数量去年增加了10%,达到近91 000户。 The number of households in England seeking homelessness support has risen by 10% in the last year, reaching nearly 91,000. 政府计划追加支出2.33亿英镑,用于解决无家可归问题,使总开支达到10亿英镑。 The government plans to spend an additional £233 million on tackling homelessness, bringing total spending to £1 billion. 无家可归的儿童人数增加了15%,其中159 400人住在临时住所。 There has been a 15% increase in children experiencing homelessness, with 159,400 in temporary accommodation. 慈善领袖们呼吁每年建造90 000所社会住房来解决这一问题。 Charity leaders call for 90,000 social homes to be built annually to address the issue.