英格兰的无家可归人数增加14%,共计354 000人,原因是租金高和缺乏负担得起的住房。 Homelessness in England rises by 14%, totaling 354,000 people, due to high rents and a lack of affordable homes.
据收容所报告,英格兰无家可归人数增加14%,达到354 000人,达德利为146人,其中包括78名儿童。 Shelter reports that homelessness in England has risen by 14% to 354,000 people, with 146 in Dudley, including 78 children. 该慈善机构指责高租金和缺乏负担得起的住房。 The charity blames high rents and a lack of affordable homes. 住房、社区和地方政府部承认这一问题是“震撼”,并计划以10亿英镑的资金和建造更多的社会和负担得起的住房解决这一问题。 The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government acknowledges the issue as "shocking" and plans to address it with £1 billion in funding and by building more social and affordable homes.