美国的青少年吸毒和酗酒率在大流行后仍然很低,禁欲率为2017年以来的最高水平。 US teen drug and alcohol use remains low post-pandemic, with abstinence rates at their highest since 2017.
一项大规模的全国调查发现,美国青少年的吸毒情况没有从该流行病最初几年的下降中反弹。 A large national survey found that drug use among US teens has not rebounded from its decline during the early years of the pandemic. 12年级学生的三分之二和10年级学生的80%报告过去30天没有使用酒精、大麻、香烟或电子香烟,这是2017年以来最高的禁欲率。 Two-thirds of 12th graders and 80% of 10th graders reported no use of alcohol, marijuana, cigarettes, or e-cigarettes in the past 30 days, marking the highest abstinence rates since 2017. 唯一增加的是12年级学生使用尼古丁邮袋的情况,从3%上升到6%。 The only increase was in nicotine pouch use among 12th graders, rising from 3% to 6%. 调查表明,大流行性禁闭以及焦虑和抑郁等心理健康问题增多,可能已经导致药物使用减少。 The survey suggests that pandemic lockdowns and increased mental health issues like anxiety and depression may have contributed to lower substance use.