密歇根大学研究与青少年和青年吸烟和吸食大麻现象增加的联系。 University of Michigan research links vaping to increased smoking and marijuana use among teens and young adults.
密歇根大学在《药物和酒精依赖》杂志上发表的研究结果表明,在12-25岁的青少年和青年成年人中抽取大麻会随着时间的推移增加传统香烟和大麻的吸烟。 University of Michigan research published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence reveals that vaping among teens and young adults aged 12-25 increased smoking of traditional cigarettes and marijuana use over time. 与以往的假设相反,该研究表明,青少年和青年成年人都与吸毒脱钩。 Contrary to previous assumptions, the study suggests that vaping links to drug use for both teenagers and young adults. 这突出表明,需要制定战略,防止抽取以及随后对香烟、大麻和其他毒品使用的影响。 This highlights the need to develop strategies to prevent vaping and its subsequent impact on cigarettes, marijuana, and other drug usage.