接受调查的10 000名安大略学生表明,心理痛苦明显增加,半数以上的心理痛苦程度较高,自我伤害和自杀想法增加。 10,000 Ontario students surveyed showed a significant increase in psychological distress, with over half experiencing high levels, and a rise in self-harm and suicidal thoughts.
对安大略省10 000名中学生和高中学生的调查显示,青年的心理痛苦显著增加,半数以上的青年报告说,精神痛苦程度很高,是十年前的两倍。 A survey of 10,000 Ontario middle and high school students revealed a significant increase in psychological distress among youth, with over half reporting high levels of distress, double the number from a decade ago. 成瘾和心理健康中心(CAMH)的研究发现,19%的学生在前一年有过自残行为,18%的学生曾有过自杀的严重念头。 The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) research found that 19% of students engaged in self-harm and 18% had serious thoughts about suicide in the previous year. 尽管33%的学生承认需要专业精神保健支助,但66%的学生从未寻求过帮助。 Despite 33% of students acknowledging the need for professional mental health support, 66% of them never sought the help. 调查还发现,过去25年来,青年吸毒率下降,酒精吸毒率稳步下降,去年有17%的学生报告吸食大麻。 The survey also identified a decline in youth drug use and a steady decline in alcohol use over the past 25 years, with 17% of students reporting cannabis use in the past year. 尽管如此, 仍有令人担忧的趋势显示, 女学生比男学生使用大麻, 吸烟和饮酒的比例更高. However, there is a concerning trend showing that female students are using cannabis, vaping, and drinking more than male students.