美国青少年使用电子烟和电子烟的比例在上升,其中4.6%的中学生和10%的高中学生使用这些产品. Vaping and e-cigarette use among U.S. teens rises, with 4.6% of middle schoolers and 10% of high schoolers using these products.
美国青少年使用Vaping和e-cigarette的情况正在上升,2023年,4.6%的中学生和10%的中学生使用这些产品。 Vaping and e-cigarette use among U.S. teens is rising, with 4.6% of middle schoolers and 10% of high schoolers using these products in 2023. 以青年为对象的营销活动增加,缺乏认识,使这一问题更加严重。 Increased marketing targeting youth and a lack of awareness exacerbate the issue. 专家强调父母对电子烟风险的沟通的重要性. Experts stress the importance of parental communication about vaping risks. 虽然e-cigarette可能有助于成人戒烟,但对青年吸毒成瘾和健康风险的关切依然存在。 While e-cigarettes may aid adult smoking cessation, concerns about youth addiction and health risks remain. 有效的政策应在保护青少年与支持成年吸烟者之间取得平衡。 Effective policies should balance protecting teens while supporting adult smokers.