俄罗斯镇压塔吉克移徙工人的恐怖攻击威胁经济关系与稳定。 Russia's crackdown on Tajik migrant workers post-terror attack threatens economic ties and stability.
俄罗斯在恐怖袭击后对塔吉克移徙工人的镇压正在造成经济和安全风险。 Russia's crackdown on Tajik migrant workers, following a terror attack, is causing economic and security risks. 塔吉克斯坦经济严重依赖俄罗斯工人的汇款,但更严格的移民政策和驱逐出境使移民失业。 Tajikistan's economy heavily relies on remittances from workers in Russia, but stricter immigration policies and deportations are leaving migrants unemployed. 这可能导致两国局势不稳定,并增加极端主义团体招募的风险。 This could lead to instability in both countries and increase the risk of recruitment by extremist groups. 这种状况使俄罗斯和塔吉克斯坦之间的经济关系紧张,影响到数以百万计依赖劳动力流动维持生计的人。 The situation has strained the economic ties between Russia and Tajikistan, affecting millions who depend on the flow of labor for their livelihoods.