研究显示,来自孟加拉国和缅甸的非法移民使孟买的基础设施紧张,并改变政治。 Study reveals illegal immigration from Bangladesh and Myanmar strains Mumbai's infrastructure and alters politics.
Tata社会科学研究所(TISS)的一项研究强调了来自孟加拉国和缅甸的非法移民对孟买的影响,指出它给基础设施造成压力,降低了工资,并加剧了政治紧张局势。 A study by Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) highlights the impacts of illegal immigration from Bangladesh and Myanmar on Mumbai, noting it strains infrastructure, lowers wages, and fuels political tensions. 该报告以3 000名答卷人的数据为基础,表明非法移民、特别是穆斯林的人数有所增加,这正在改变投票模式和人口变化。 The report, based on data from 3,000 respondents, shows a rise in the number of illegal migrants, particularly Muslims, which is altering voting patterns and demographic shifts. Sanjeev Sanyal等学者呼吁就全球非法移民问题进行诚实的讨论和数据驱动的研究,强调其对政治、安全和人口的影响。 Academics like Sanjeev Sanyal call for honest discussions and data-driven studies on the global issue of illegal immigration, emphasizing its effects on politics, security, and demographics.