医生们敦促医生为老年人规定锻炼方法,强调其终身福利。 Doctors urged to prescribe exercise for seniors, highlighting its life-extending benefits.
根据加拿大医学协会杂志的一项新审查,鼓励医生更经常地为老年病人规定锻炼时间。 Doctors are encouraged to prescribe exercise more frequently to elderly patients, according to a new review in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. 尽管有对伤害的关切,但体育活动的好处,包括将死亡风险降低31%、改善平衡和预防慢性疾病,都大于风险。 Despite concerns about injury, the benefits of physical activity, including reduced death risk by 31%, improved balance, and prevention of chronic diseases, outweigh the risks. 建议进行的活动包括步行、水练习和抵抗训练。 Recommended activities include walking, water exercises, and resistance training. 世界卫生组织建议每周为成年人,包括老年人,提供150-300分钟的中度至高度锻炼。 The World Health Organization advises 150-300 minutes of moderate-to-intense exercise weekly for adults, including older adults.