英国运动医学杂志研究显示,无论久坐行为如何,每天行走 10,000 步可将死亡风险降低 39%,患心脏病风险降低 21%。 10,000 daily steps linked to 39% reduced risk of death, 21% lower risk of heart disease, regardless of sedentary behavior: British Journal of Sports Medicine study.
《英国运动医学杂志》上发表的一项研究发现,无论久坐行为如何,每天至少走 10,000 步可以显着降低过早死亡和心脏病的风险。 A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that taking at least 10,000 daily steps can significantly reduce the risks of early death and heart disease, regardless of sedentary behavior. 这项涉及 72,000 名参与者的研究表明,每天行走多达 10,000 步可将死亡风险降低 39%,将心血管疾病风险降低 21%。 The research, involving 72,000 participants, showed that up to 10,000 steps a day were connected to a 39% reduced risk of death and a 21% lower risk of cardiovascular disease. 这是第一项使用腕戴式可穿戴设备客观测量每日步数降低久坐行为健康风险潜力的研究。 This is the first study to objectively measure daily steps' potential to reduce health risks from high sedentary behavior, using wrist-worn wearables.