中国的风能和太阳能发电能力突飞猛进,2024年发电量占中国发电量的近20%。 China's wind and solar power capacities surged, generating nearly 20% of the country’s electricity in 2024.
中国保持了风力和太阳能的高利用率,2024年的利用率超过95%。 China has maintained high utilization rates for wind and solar power, with rates above 95% in 2024. 该国风力发电能力达到5.10亿千瓦,到年底,太阳能发电能力为8.4亿千瓦。 The country's wind power capacity reached 510 million kilowatts, and solar power capacity stood at 840 million kilowatts by year-end. 2024年头七个月,风能和太阳能发电1.05万亿千瓦小时,占中国电力总量的20%左右。 In the first seven months of 2024, wind and solar power generated 1.05 trillion kilowatt-hours, making up about 20% of China's total electricity. 2013年以来,风力发电能力增长了六倍,太阳能发电能力猛增180倍以上。 Since 2013, wind power capacity has grown sixfold and solar power capacity has surged over 180 times. 中国旨在加大开发这些绿色能源的力度,深化国际能源合作,参与全球能源治理。 China aims to enhance efforts in developing these green energy sources, deepen international energy cooperation, and participate in global energy governance.