叙利亚总统阿萨德(Asmad Assad)和他父亲身着临时姿势被赶下台的照片已经浮出水面, Photos of ousted Syrian President Assad and his father in casual poses have surfaced, sparking ridicule among Syrians.
叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德和他的父亲哈菲兹·阿萨德的个人照片从他们在大马士革和阿勒的废弃房屋中浮出水面. Personal photos of ousted Syrian President Bashar Assad and his father Hafez Assad have surfaced from their abandoned homes in Damascus and Aleppo. 这些照片显示,阿萨德人随随便便地摆出挥之不去的姿势,包括身穿Speedo的巴沙尔和身穿内裤的哈菲兹,在统治期间遭受迫害的叙利亚人中引起嘲笑。 The images, showing the Assads in casual and unflattering poses, including Bashar in a Speedo and Hafez in underwear, have sparked ridicule among Syrians who suffered persecution under their rule. 照片揭示了家庭在内战持续期间的奢华生活方式, 给许多公民带来一瞬间催眠。 The photos reveal the family's lavish lifestyle amidst the ongoing civil war, providing a moment of catharsis for many citizens.