阿萨德家族的故乡卡达哈(Qardaha)在政权倒台后面临不确定和恐惧。 Qardaha, hometown of the Assad family, faces uncertainty and fear after the regime's fall.
尽管阿萨德家族富有, 但生活在贫困中的居民希望他们不会因为家族的衰落而遭受痛苦. In Qardaha, the hometown of the former Syrian President Hafez Assad, residents, who largely lived in poverty despite the Assad family's wealth, hope they won't suffer from the family's downfall. 在巴沙尔·阿萨德被赶下台后,阿萨德长老的陵墓遭到侮辱。 Following the ousting of Bashar Assad, the elder Assad's mausoleum was vandalized with insults. 许多当地人出于必要将他们的儿子送去参军,现在他们担心那些失踪的人。 Many locals sent their sons to the army out of necessity, and now fear for those who have gone missing. 已为前士兵建立了新的和解中心,但社区呼吁实现公平与和平的过渡。 New reconciliation centers have been set up for former soldiers, but the community calls for a fair and peaceful transition.