总统及官员离开叙利亚后, 叙利亚人庆祝阿萨德统治结束。 Syrians celebrate end of Assad rule after president and officials leave the country.
叙利亚人正在庆祝阿萨德家族在巴沙尔·阿萨德总统及主要官员离开叙利亚后50年统治的结束。 Syrians are celebrating what appears to be the end of the Assad family's 50-year rule after President Bashar Assad and key officials left the country. 这一事态发展是在与反叛团体谈判之后发生的,导致叙利亚境内和海外叙利亚难民之间,特别是在伊斯坦布尔和柏林举行欢庆庆祝活动。 This development follows negotiations with rebel groups and has led to jubilant celebrations both within Syria and among Syrian refugees abroad, particularly in Istanbul and Berlin. 自2011年以来,土耳其一直是数以百万计逃离内战的叙利亚人的庇护所。 Turkey has been a sanctuary for millions of Syrians fleeing the civil war since 2011.