佐治亚州的抗议活动升级,一名极右翼前足球明星将被提名为总统。 Protests in Georgia escalate as a far-right ex-soccer star is set to be nominated for president.
随着政府计划提名一位极右翼总统候选人, 格鲁吉亚境内抗议活动势必加剧, Protests in Georgia are set to intensify as the government plans to nominate a far-right presidential candidate, adding to the political turmoil since the contested October parliamentary elections. 全国举行了群众集会,部分原因是加入欧盟的谈判推迟。 The nation has seen mass rallies, partly due to the delay in EU accession talks. 这位候选人是前曼城足球运动员,这加剧了人们对该国政治方向的担忧。 The candidate in question is a former Manchester City soccer player, escalating concerns over the country’s political direction.