格鲁吉亚反对派领导人被捕, 抗议活动因欧盟加入谈判中止而升级。 Georgian opposition leader arrested, protests escalate over EU accession talks suspension.
格鲁吉亚反对派领导人Nika Gvaramia在突袭其政党办公室时被捕,据报被警察殴打失去知觉,当时正在抗议政府暂停加入欧盟谈判的决定。 Georgian opposition leader Nika Gvaramia was arrested and reportedly beaten unconscious by police during raids on his party's offices, amid ongoing protests against the government's decision to suspend EU accession talks. 随着紧张局势的升级,300多名抗议者被拘留,100多人受伤。 Over 300 protesters have been detained, and more than 100 injured, as tensions rise. 政府声称挫败了一个“革命”的企图, 而反对派却指责当局转向专制主义和俄罗斯的影响力。 The government claims to have thwarted an attempted "revolution," while the opposition accuses the authorities of turning towards authoritarianism and Russia's influence.