2023年春季,布里斯托尔、北萨默塞特和南格洛斯特郡有1 900名儿童在临时住所无家可归,这是该区域记录的最高点。 1,900 children faced homelessness in temporary accommodations in Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire in spring 2023, the highest recorded in the region.
2023年春季,超过1 900名儿童在布里斯托尔、北萨默塞特和南格洛斯特郡的临时住所中无家可归,比去年的1 558名儿童有所增加。 In spring 2023, over 1,900 children faced homelessness in temporary accommodations across Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire, rising from 1,558 last year. 布里斯托尔占这些案件的1 746起。 Bristol accounted for 1,746 of these cases. 全国有151 630名儿童住在临时住房中,这是有史以来记录最高的,受到住房危机和房租上涨的驱动。 Nationwide, 151,630 children were in temporary housing, the highest ever recorded, driven by a housing crisis and rising rents. 敦促地方理事会增加负担得起的住房,并改革租赁市场,以稳定局势。 Local councils are urged to increase affordable housing and reform the rental market to stabilize the situation.