红十字委员会敦促在黎巴嫩维持停火,援助受冲突影响和回返的叙利亚人。 ICRC urges maintaining ceasefire in Lebanon, aids Syrians affected by conflict and returns.
红十字委员会和叙利亚阿拉伯红新月会一直在援助受当前冲突和最近事态发展影响的叙利亚人,例如返回被摧毁的城镇和释放被拘留者。 The ICRC and Syrian Arab Red Crescent have been aiding Syrians affected by ongoing conflict and recent developments like returns to destroyed towns and the release of detainees. 在黎巴嫩,红十字委员会主席Mirjana Spoljaric敦促维持停火,以防止更多的平民死亡和破坏,同时强调该国的经济和社会危机。 In Lebanon, ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric urged maintaining a ceasefire to prevent further civilian deaths and destruction, highlighting the country's economic and social crises. 红十字委员会旨在提供必要的服务和支持,帮助两国平民重建生活。 The ICRC aims to provide essential services and support to help civilians rebuild their lives in both countries.