苏格兰政府宣布为各理事会提供150亿英镑的预算,旨在避免理事会增税。 Scottish Government announces £15 billion budget for councils, aiming to avoid council tax hikes.
苏格兰政府已宣布为各理事会提供150亿英镑的预算,比去年增加约10亿英镑。 The Scottish Government has announced a £15 billion budget for councils, an increase of about £1 billion from last year. 这包括为环境倡议一次性付款,为薪酬交易支付1.2亿多英镑。 This includes a one-time payment for environmental initiatives and over £120 million for pay deals. 第一部长兼财政部长声称,这一增加应防止理事会增税,尽管最终决定由地方理事会作出。 The First Minister and Finance Secretary claim the increase should prevent council tax hikes, though final decisions are with local councils. 预算的目的是,在议会批准之前,增加对学校、社会照料和其他服务的供资。 The budget aims to boost funding for schools, social care, and other services, pending parliamentary approval. 法伊夫理事会领导人David Ross警告说, 资金短缺可能增加税收, Despite the increase, Fife Council leader David Ross warns of potential tax rises due to funding shortfalls.