联合王国政府为英国理事会追加拨款7亿英镑,2025-2026年总额超过20亿英镑。 UK government allocates £700 million extra to English councils, totaling over £2 billion for 2025-2026.
联合王国政府已宣布为2025-2026年英国理事会增加7 000万英镑的资金,使总额增加到20亿多英镑。 The UK government has announced a £700 million boost in funding for English councils for 2025-2026, increasing the total to over £2 billion. 这包括社会护理增加2亿英镑和支付国家保险费用的5.15亿英镑。 This includes a £200 million increase for social care and £515 million to cover national insurance costs. 市议会的总经费将增至690亿英镑, 增加6%, 但县议会网络批评分配情况, The overall funding for councils will rise to £69 billion, a 6% increase, but the County Councils Network criticizes the distribution, arguing it unfairly favors urban areas over rural ones.