苏格兰政府的预算 得到格林斯和利比戴姆斯的支持 保证了关键的社会和环境资金 Scottish government's budget, backed by Greens and Lib Dems, secures key social and environmental funding.
苏格兰政府已获得苏格兰绿党和自由民主党对其预算计划的支持,确保其得到批准。 The Scottish government has secured support from the Scottish Greens and Liberal Democrats for its Budget plans, ensuring its approval. 关键协议包括扩大向8个理事会地区的S1-S3学生提供免费学校膳食、2英镑公共汽车票价试点以及260万英镑用于药品和新生儿服务的额外供资。 Key agreements include expanding free school meals to S1-S3 pupils in eight council areas, a £2 bus fare cap pilot, and £2.6 million in additional funding for drugs and neonatal services. 该预算还包括49亿英镑用于环境和自然恢复。 The budget also includes £4.9 billion for environmental and nature restoration. 这一支持保证了苏格兰议会的预算将通过。 This support guarantees the budget will pass in the Scottish Parliament.