苏格兰居民在预算资金和制度批评中, 面临高达17%的委员会税率提升, Scottish residents face up to 17% council tax hike, amid budget funding and system criticism.
苏格兰Aberdeenshire的居民面临该国最高理事会的税收涨幅之一,可能达到17%。 Residents in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, face one of the highest council tax hikes in the country, potentially reaching 17%. 苏格兰政府最近的预算包括为理事会提供资金,但可能无法阻止大幅度增加。 The Scottish Government's recent budget includes funding for councils but may not prevent significant increases. 批评者认为理事会税收制度需要重新估值,因为地方当局可能不得不削减服务以平衡预算。 Critics argue the council tax system needs revaluation as local authorities may have to cut services to balance budgets. 预算还为气候紧急基金划拨资金。 The budget also allocates funds for a climate emergency fund.