《伦敦伦敦交通报》推出新的公交车日程安排以及从12月7日开始的绿化倡议。 London's Transport for London rolls out new bus schedules and greener initiatives starting Dec. 7.
伦敦运输公司(TfL)将从12月7日起对伦敦的公共汽车服务进行修改。 Transport for London (TfL) will implement changes to London's bus services starting December 7. 这包括新的时间表,在88、98和218号公路上增加早间服务,在336号公路的冰雹路段设立固定公交站。 This includes new timetables, increased early morning services on routes 88, 98, and 218, and the introduction of fixed bus stops on Route 336's hail-and-ride sections. 这些改革旨在提高无障碍性和可持续性,到2034年TfL计划建立零排放船队。 The changes aim to boost accessibility and sustainability, with TfL planning for a zero-emission fleet by 2034.