印度富裕邦的食品通胀下降幅度更大,经济差距扩大。 Food inflation drops more in wealthier Indian states, widening economic disparities.
印度国家银行的一份报告显示,过去十年来,中高收入国家的粮食通货膨胀下降幅度超过低收入国家。 A State Bank of India report shows that food inflation has decreased more in middle and high-income states than in low-income states over the past decade. 这一趋势是由于劳动力从较穷的国家迁移到较富裕的国家,以寻找更好的工作,从而加快了较富裕地区的减通货膨胀速度。 This trend is due to labor migration from poorer to wealthier states for better jobs, which speeds up disinflation in richer areas. 报告还指出,印度各地的零售通胀接近印度储备银行4%的目标。 The report also notes that retail inflation across India is nearing the Reserve Bank of India's 4% target. 然而,高收入国家经济活动不断增长,可能导致通货膨胀压力加大,突出表明需要制定平衡的发展战略。 However, the growing economic activity in high-income states may lead to higher inflation pressures, highlighting the need for balanced development strategies.