印度的通胀升至6.21%,超过了RBI的极限,主要原因是食品价格上涨。 India's inflation rose to 6.21%, exceeding RBI's limit, mainly due to higher food prices.
10月,印度零售通胀高达14个月,高达6.21%,超过了印度储备银行6%的上限。 India's retail inflation hit a 14-month high of 6.21% in October, exceeding the Reserve Bank of India's upper tolerance limit of 6%. 价格上涨主要是由于粮食价格上涨,蔬菜价格急剧上升。 The surge was mainly due to rising food prices, with vegetables seeing a sharp increase. RBI旨在将通货膨胀率维持在4%、幅度为2%的目标之内,在最近的将来不可能降低利率。 The RBI, aiming to maintain inflation within a 4% target with a 2% margin, is unlikely to cut interest rates in the near future. 这一通货膨胀激增对经济稳定和消费者购买力构成挑战。 This inflation spike poses challenges to economic stability and consumer purchasing power.