印度中产阶级因粮食价格暴涨而削减支出,威胁到经济增长。 India's middle class cuts spending due to soaring food prices, threatening economic growth.
印度的中产阶级正在减少支出, 因为高通胀, 特别是食品成本已超过8%, India's middle class is reducing spending due to high inflation, especially in food costs, which have risen above 8%. 这导致消费品公司和快餐连锁店的销售量减少,因为人们选择更便宜的替代产品。 This has led to lower sales for consumer goods firms and fast-food chains, as people opt for cheaper alternatives. 2025年3月终了财政年度预计经济增长率为7.2%,由于城市消费下降,影响国家经济势头,因此可能面临风险。 The economic growth expected at 7.2% for the financial year ending March 2025 is at risk due to the decline in urban consumption, affecting the country's economic momentum.