印度的消费物价指数通胀预计2024年将超过5%, India's CPI inflation is projected above 5% for 2024, driven by rural food consumption.
据印度国家银行(SBI)称,2024年余下时间,印度的消费物价通胀预计将保持在5%以上。 India's consumer price inflation (CPI) is expected to stay above 5% for the rest of 2024, according to the State Bank of India (SBI). 尽管11月蔬菜和蛋白质价格有所下降,但农村粮食消费继续驱动通货膨胀,10月达到6.21%。 Despite a drop in vegetable and protein prices in November, rural food consumption continues to drive inflation, which reached 6.21% in October. 印度储备银行(RBI)旨在防止进一步通货膨胀压力,这种压力受到影响大约40%消费物价指数的进口通货膨胀的影响。 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) aims to prevent further inflationary pressures, influenced by imported inflation that affects about 40% of CPI. 通过直接利益转移(DBT)增加政府支助加强了农村支出,尽管由于大流行性储蓄耗竭,城市需求依然疲软。 Increased government support via Direct Benefit Transfers (DBT) has bolstered rural spending, though urban demand remains weak due to pandemic savings depletion.