爱尔兰囚犯Peter Keating承认他与他人密谋为Kinahan团伙持有火器,并歪曲司法。 Peter Keating, an Irish prisoner, admitted to plotting with others to possess firearms for the Kinahan gang and to pervert justice.
Peter Keating, 43岁,爱尔兰囚犯,因指挥犯罪组织而被判处12年徒刑,承认其密谋拥有Kinahan团伙的火器和弹药。 Peter Keating, a 43-year-old Irish prisoner serving a 12-year sentence for directing a criminal organization, admitted to conspiring to possess firearms and ammunition for the Kinahan gang. Keating也认罪 以歪曲司法。 Keating also pleaded guilty to perverting justice. 24岁的Jack Kavanagh在从西班牙引渡后对武器指控认罪。 Jack Kavanagh, 24, pleaded guilty to weapons charges after extradition from Spain. 该阴谋旨在影响Thomas Kavanagh在毒品走私案件中的判刑,导致当局藏匿一个被掩埋的武器,但被截获的信息挫败了这一计划。 The plot aimed to influence Thomas Kavanagh's sentencing in a drug-smuggling case by leading authorities to a buried weapons stash, but the plan was thwarted by intercepted messages. Thomas Kavanagh因策划阴谋被判处6年徒刑。 Thomas Kavanagh was sentenced to six years for orchestrating the plot.