前军方下士Richard Kearney因清洗6.6百万欧元的毒品资金被判处三年监禁。 Ex-military corporal Richard Kearney sentenced to three years for laundering over €6.6M in drug money.
前爱尔兰国防军下士Richard Kearney因参与涉及毒贩660多万欧元的洗钱计划而被判处3年徒刑。 Former Irish Defence Forces corporal Richard Kearney has been sentenced to three years in prison for his role in a money laundering scheme involving over €6.6 million from drug dealers. Kearney认罪,承认拥有25 000欧元的非法资金,并承认与已知的毒贩进行联系。 Kearney pleaded guilty to possessing €25,000 of illicit funds and admitted to communicating with known drug dealers. 尽管没有犯罪历史,但考虑到洗钱行为的严重性,法院认为该罪行严重到足以判处徒刑的地步。 Despite having no criminal history, the court deemed the crime severe enough to warrant the prison term, considering the gravity of money laundering. 国防军已经谴责了他的行动。 The Defence Forces have condemned his actions.