前黑帮强奸案罪犯Thomas O'Neill对爱尔兰的毒品交易指控认罪。 Former gang rape convict Thomas O'Neill pleads guilty to drug dealing charges in Ireland.
来自爱尔兰利默里克的35岁被定罪的强奸犯Thomas O'Neill对毒品交易罪认罪,包括持有海洛因和可卡因出售。 Thomas O'Neill, a 35-year-old convicted rapist from Limerick, Ireland, has pleaded guilty to drug dealing offenses, including possessing heroin and cocaine for sale. 在承认指控后,他被还押候审以判刑。 He was remanded in custody for sentencing after admitting to the charges. O'Neill曾因是2004年轮奸案的头目而被监禁十年。 O'Neill was previously jailed for ten years for being the ringleader in a 2004 gang rape incident. 他另有暴力障碍的定罪。 He has additional convictions for violent disorder.