拜登政府调查尼加拉瓜与奥尔特加统治有关的劳工和侵犯人权情况。 Biden administration investigates labor and human rights abuses in Nicaragua, linked to Ortega's rule.
拜登政府因对总统丹尼尔·奥尔特加(Daniel Ortega)专制治理的担忧, 对尼加拉瓜劳工及人权侵犯事件展开长达一年的调查。 The Biden administration has launched a year-long investigation into labor and human rights abuses in Nicaragua, prompted by concerns over President Daniel Ortega's authoritarian governance. 该调查是根据1974年《贸易法》授权进行的,研究指称的侵权行为,包括出于政治动机的逮捕、强迫劳动和人口贩运,及其对美国商业的影响。 The probe, authorized under the Trade Act of 1974, examines alleged abuses including politically motivated arrests, forced labor, and human trafficking, and their impact on U.S. commerce. 只有在调查结束后才会考虑报复行动。 Retaliatory actions will be considered only after the investigation concludes. 这一举动突显了美国在维护劳工标准和解决贸易关系中的人权问题方面所做的努力。 This move highlights U.S. efforts to uphold labor standards and address human rights issues in trade relationships.