美国认为对主要柬埔寨人的制裁与网上诈骗和人口贩运有关, US considers sanctions against key Cambodians linked to online scams and human trafficking amid strained relations.
美国正在考虑制裁与网上诈骗和人口贩运有关的主要柬埔寨人, The U.S. is considering sanctions against key Cambodians linked to online scams and human trafficking, amid strained relations exacerbated by Cambodia's growing ties with China. 美国国务院指控官员共谋贩运活动。 The U.S. State Department has accused officials of complicity in trafficking operations. 在联合王国最近对参与柬埔寨、缅甸和老挝境内类似活动的多个个人和实体实行制裁之后,这一潜在的举动。 This potential move follows the UK's recent sanctions on multiple individuals and entities involved in similar activities across Cambodia, Myanmar, and Laos.