在哈德逊河谷,59%的人更喜欢人工圣诞树,以方便为目的,尽管他们欣赏真正的树木魅力。 In the Hudson Valley, 59% prefer artificial Christmas trees for convenience, despite appreciation for real trees' charm.
最近哈德逊河谷的民意调查显示,59%的居民出于方便和过敏考虑,更喜欢人造圣诞树,尽管许多人仍然欣赏真树的魅力。 A recent poll in the Hudson Valley shows that 59% of residents prefer artificial Christmas trees due to convenience and allergy concerns, though many still appreciate real trees for their charm. 该地区为那些选择实际树木的人提供许多树木农场。 The area offers numerous tree farms for those opting for real trees. 真实树木与人工树木之间的辩论也受到环境影响和个人传统的影响。 The debate between real and artificial trees is also influenced by environmental impact and personal traditions.