比利时食品安全警告人们不要吃圣诞树, 因为根特建议用松针做黄油。 Belgian food safety warns against eating Christmas trees after Ghent suggested making butter with pine needles.
比利时食品安全局警告人们不要吃圣诞树, 因为根特市曾建议使用干松针制成树脂。 Belgium's food safety agency has warned against eating Christmas trees after the city of Ghent suggested using dried pine needles to make spruce needle butter. 该机构告诫说,这些树往往被杀虫剂和其他化学品处理,因此不安全地消费。 The agency cautioned that these trees are often treated with pesticides and other chemicals, making them unsafe for consumption. Ghent后来在其建议中添加了警告,指出并非所有圣诞树都可以食用。 Ghent has since added a warning to its recommendation, noting that not all Christmas trees are edible.