北加州的城镇与高塔、装饰圣诞树、绘画节日的人群竞争。 Northern California towns compete with towering, decorated Christmas trees, drawing festive crowds.
北加州海岸以高高的红木闻名, 正在目睹一场庆典比赛, 争夺谁可以拥有 最高的装饰圣诞树。 The northern California coast, known for its towering redwoods, is seeing a festive rivalry over who can claim the tallest decorated Christmas tree. 这一竞争正在引起当地人和游客的兴趣,突出了该地区的自然美观和社区精神。 This competition is generating interest among both locals and tourists, highlighting the region's natural beauty and community spirit. 没有提供关于相互竞争的树木或参与者的具体详情。 No specific details about the competing trees or participants are provided.