阿联酋外交官警告叙利亚仍然面临着极端主义和持续不稳定的威胁。 UAE diplomat warns Syria still faces threats from extremism and ongoing instability.
阿拉伯联合酋长国外交顾问安瓦尔·加尔加什指出,叙利亚的局势仍然不稳定,极端主义和恐怖主义继续构成重大威胁。 United Arab Emirates' diplomatic advisor Anwar Gargash stated that Syria remains unstable, with extremism and terrorism continuing to pose significant threats. Gargash还说,他不知道叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德是否在阿联酋。 Gargash also said he is unaware if Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is in the UAE. 他将阿萨德的倒台归咎于政治失败,并对叙利亚的混乱和不稳定表示关切,同时强调与极端主义团体重新爆发冲突的可能性。 He blamed Assad's downfall on political failures and expressed concern about the chaos and instability in Syria, while also highlighting the potential for renewed conflict with extremist groups.